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Scisca said:
mrstickball said:
Netyaroze said:
thranx said:
Netyaroze said:
mrstickball said:
I live in rural Ohio. Those prices are a joke.

I can build a 4,000 square foot mansion for half of those prices.

Here's a 7,000 square foot house in my town for ~$450,000 USD:

It's been on market for a year because its too expensive. I'm sure those prices may be reasonable in London or somewhere that you have to pay lots of money for things, but where I live, those prices are a joke.

Those prices are no joke. I bet I could easily drive with a truck through this house you posted. 450k ? This house can not be good. Even if you exclude paper thin walls, cheap basic materials, and sucky isolation. Whats the Interior made out of ? Legos ?


A house of that size has 4 kitchens ? 4 Bathrooms. 1 kitchen costs 50k. 1 Bathroom 25k. Does it have a basement ? What are the floors made of, are they heated ?  


Its a huge house but the material costs of our smaller house exceed its price, not even talking about land, location, furniture or the cost of the guys building it. Just bricks floors woodwork glass stones. 

it doesnt say it has four kitchens. from the pictures the house looks nice. It does have a basement. there are pictures and info in the link if you go to it. all of your questions are answered. Probably no heated floors, not very big in america.

Hmm its extremly big but what worries me is the price. It can't be that cheap. I doubt it has the same buildquality as houses around here. Unless americans somehow get raw materials 10 times cheaper. The only way I can make sense of it is if the house is more like a movie prop and less like a house.

We do get materials and labor a lot cheaper. We havea ccess to huge amounts of timber that the UK would have to otherwise import. The same goes for most materials. Plasterboard that is manufacturered in the same place is about 30-40% cheaper in the US.

Do realize that our builders aren't incompetent. Building codes in Florida require all houses to be hurricane-resistant.

That's the thing. Your houses are built from toothpicks and plasterboard, while our houses are built from bricks. This is what my house is built from, with my hand to give you a sense of perspective:

That's why your houses are cheap, from our perspective they are more like shacks than proper houses. I mena, you can just walk through a wall in US! That's absolutely impossible over here (try walking through my wall ;) ), that's why when you come over to us stuff like this happens:


Brick is certainly better than wood and plasterboard/drywall. But I'd love to see you try to walk through it.

Its not like you can't get a brick-built house in the US. They exist. They're just not typical any more. The house I live in was built in 1910 and is still very solid - it survived a fire about 5 years ago. Wood built houses are still quite nice. Yes, there are some very crappy houses in the US, but they're even cheaper than the ones I've mentioned.

And again, the reason we're discussing this is that you can actually afford a house in the US. Its nice your house is brick. But I own multiple houses, and I've bought them with my own money. Did you?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.