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One major difference with the PS2 and the wii, is that developers both expected the PS2 to win, and wanted it to win, and then made it win. Nintendo by itself couldn't conker a mountain of 3rd party developers.

That's changed now. The public has spoken and the wii is the winner. Nintendo can hold it's mountain by itself practically now. Third parties for one reason or another refuse to back the new winner. Odds are it's just business, and higher ups in the company with their heads up their asses. Gamers go where the games are, if wii was getting left 4 dead, white knight story, what have you, that would attract even more gamers. Instead they put those games on the losing systems, and spend a fortune doing it. They create self fulfilling prophecies by creating crappy games and claiming no one will buy their product on the wii, and then keeping the userbase of core gamers away from the wii, while making it appeal to the non gamer to make sure no one ever will buy their decent products on the wii.

From all appearances it looks like they are trying to force anybody but Nintendo to be the winner, and failing miserably at it. And Nintendo doesn't seem to care too much. They are kicking everybody's ass combined financially, and in the public's eye. And it won't be Sony or Microsoft's loss, it will be the third parties loss. Having a clear industry leader benefits third parties greatly, and they insist on keeping it divided.

I don't see them making huge efforts on the wii for the duration of it's life, and I really don't care. Personally I hate the direction 3rd parties have taken gaming on the other two systems where just about every game announced involves a man with guns. I'm more than happy to take some Japanese RPGs, quirky oddball gems, and Nintendo's first party efforts. What the wii is doing resembles what gaming was like back in the day where imagination was actually used in the creation process. So I'm going to go buy Opoona, Fragile, Boom Blocks, De Blob, Pikmin, Starfox and whatever other games nintendo wants to make, and let third parties go screw themself....I will get left 4 dead on PC though.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.