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Prepare yo' claps.

The console is sitting at 30 million right now, and the number can only go up. It is available in a wide variety of colours too, which is nice. 


There are direct competitors coming like Nvidia Project Shield - if you want to count that atrocity as a handheld of course - and the back then called "true next gen portable" (PS Vita is the closest thing you can have to a dreamcast sales wise. Being it the only direct competitor and I don't see any other platform coming on the handheld market that is going to pull off such numbers as 3DS, and good looking colours, I think it is the right time to separate the winner from everyone else.

The underdog, less powerful, with less impressive tech demos, with the lesser features, with no unreal engine support, is the king. Deal with it or deal with it.


I think it is deserved.


I'd  like to hear specially the opinion of the Vita aficionados back when it was the NGP NEXT GEN PORTABLE. If there is someone left from those times...

Now if someone could photoshop a 3DS and a crown, somehow, that would be great.