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I think this is a strong possibility to be true. For the last 2-3 years Sony has been paving themselves a road to E3 where they release tidbits of info like crumbs for their hungry fans. I expect Sony to actually just elaborate on some of their Share and Multimedia features.....which will take the wind out of MS's supposed conference.

They expect MS to reveal their console and tell the world that they are going for a Top Box market. They will then have a showing, stating anything MS can do they can do better(or at least even).
-Sony Reveal PS4 Multimedia Apps like Netflix and how they will work.
-Elaborate on their Cloud BC (Maybe)
-Reiterate what they showed at GDC a bit
-Show more KZ or Infamous Gameplay to disperage the nay sayers who think those Graphics aren't real.

PS. If rumors turn out not to be true, and MS doesn't reveal in April or May, that would only leave E3 for them. Can/Will MS still release this year if they wait till E3 to announce it's existance? They would be releasing in a 6month window if they do, which just seems way too short to me. It may be that Sony has caught them off guard with how ready they are to get their console up and going, with rumors pointing at September/October PS4 release. Maybe MS feels they can take their time now and release next year sometime to better strategize against Sony's tactics.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)