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Here's a few from this girl waaaay back in my senior year of high school. To put this the proper perspective, we were in a college level English class, so, one would have to assume, we would be dealing with the best and the brightest of the school.

#1) While discussing philosophy, the teacher brings up Jesus. The girl (who will be know forthwith as Girl) looks up and asks, in a totally serious tone, "Wait, so Jesus came after the dinosaurs?" There was much tittering and gnashing of teeth. The teacher, calmer than he should have been, explained that, indeed, Jesus came a wee bit later than the dinos. Not to be shaken, Girl responds, "But Jesus was the first person, so there had to be dinosaurs!" Heads were rubbed, and laughing ensued. To this day, no one explained why we laughed, it just seemed cruel to torment her further.

#2) Girl on the subject of the moon landing:
"My uncle says that the moon landing was fake."
Teacher: "Why does he think that?"
Girl: "Because, in the video you can see shadows, and there can't be shadows on the moon, because there is no gravity."
A general sigh crosses the room.
Teacher: "What does gravity have to do with anything?"
Girl: (in a condescending tone) "Because, on the moon, the shadows would float..."
At this point at least one person (myself) hit my head on the desk.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement

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