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So I did happen to see the ending to Bioshock on Youtube, and I see how fundamentalist Christians on the project could threaten to quit.  Pretty much the end story is you kill Booker to prevent a timeline distortion that happened.  In short, Booker becomes a fundamentalist Christian leader who causes hell above earth, so the end result is to practice murder.  I can see a fundamentalist Christian getting upset on it on th project.  Well, this is now, considering some tweaks were made to the ending.

Well, what do I see in VGChartz in response to an article about some Christians threatening to quit the project over he ending?  A bunch of f-bombs to them were dropped, and other nasties at the Christians on the project.  People who had negative experience with the Christian religion get irate over people on the project being upset about things.  Without even knowing what the ending was like, there was people upset at people who knew more than them, expressing concerns to an extent of wishing to quit.  This is intolerance.

Ok, let's put this another way.  Say there is a game like Bioshock Infinite out there, but you have a time scene where someone goes off and ends up practicing homosexuality in their early years, and then game then shows a world that is hell in the clouds and is homosexual, and it is connected, and then the idea is to have you go back and time and kill off your younger self to prevent this from happening.  And say, that while working on the project, some homosexual developers were up in arms about it and threatened to quit.  Would you, who happened to get upset at these Christians also get upset at the homosexuals?  Odds are, because of your value set, you likely wouldn't at all.  Because their ire is justified, but the fundamentalist Christian's ire isn't, because you dislike the Chr istian religion, and depending on how strongly your view of it, would want it to totally disappear.

The short, everyone has intolerance of this or that,  Even people who glorify in tolerance can't people who aren't as tolerant as they are.