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1. "Alternative Lifestyle" is probably the most offensive titling of the LGBT community that I have ever heard. I always throw fits when I walk into a book or movie store and they still catagorize stuff as that. So your title is currently fine...

2. Where do you live? because that is a key factor. You might just be in an area which has a high ratio of gay/bi men. If you live in San Fran,LA, NYC, Chicago, or generally an area with a high influx of tourism/military like Virginia Beach. Gay men, LOVE to travel, stereotypically at least. And they tend to flock to busy cities.

3. Its the over all aura you might be putting off. Predatory/Bold gay men love timid and "nerdy" guys. The shyness is a total turn on. Its the equivalent to Straight men's strong attraction to the "Pure" girl. Innocence is sexy. Mind you, when I say predatory, i don't mean in a how to catch a.. way, just that they tend to be on the prowl.

4. The Mustache. Go to google, look up Freddie Mercury. If your stache looks anything like his, then you basically have a target on your face. The "Gay Stache" has been used as a quite literal identifier for gay men for decades. Get rid of it if you don't want that attention.

5. Stop combing your hair so much, never give it a straight part. It gives you the impression of being to manicured, and by

hope that helps.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)