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Goatseye said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:
People should be able to freely express their opinions and views. Political correctness is censorship that opposes freedom of speech and censorship does not belong in a true democracy.

Excuse me buddy but Democracy is not similar to anarchy. If your freedom of speech obstruct my freedom and rights than it ceases to be a part of democracy. True democracy never harbors fascism and a sign that supports ethnic cleansing and etc... democracy is not all about rights, thats why it's so f***** up and nobody got it right yet. Democracy is about exercing duties also to promote the well being of the "demos". Freedom is not free and thank goodness.

You are correct, but allow me to explain as a US Citizen we get abit over zealous about our freedom of speech - that any perceived limitation is a total threat to our way of life.  It's really popular here, and I think I have been guilty of it too.

We hear about censoring, in other countries like Canada, and see it as it as a completely loss of freedom.  In reality we live with plenty limitations of free speech:

You can't yell 'fire!' in a movie theater, you can't 'I am going to punch you' (liable), and 'let's all get together and kill the people in that house over there.'

Also, the Nazi were so long ago, I think people forget how bad people were to each other.  It’s was many, many people, doing many wicked things, to lots of people.  I hope as a society humanity doesn’t ever let a big group get that bad again.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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