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bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Halo.  And people has been trying to imitate Halo for years and has failed.  Now Bungie is and well since they made Halo of course they will do a good job.  Im super hyped for it as well but the similarities between Halo and Destiny is a lot.  I love Bungie and it's probably my most anticipated game.

You've never played Halo huh?  Real question.  I think i remember hearing you say before you have never played one.

Did you watch the bungie GDC conference about destiny? pretty much they show that its not like halo, at all. they do show that master chief was one of the influence's in creating characters in the game they clearly talk about the essence of destiny, what its like, what its supposed to be. so even though at first glance it might look like halo or feel like it. the core of the game, the essence is completly different, they basically say and show this. and its one of their goals to make a game that isnt like halo actually.

and sadly no, i never played it, though i found out just recently that halo 1 and halo 2 are on PC. i will be playing those bad boys

To me it still looks much like Halo.  Not a bad thing at all.  Amazing developer and Im glad it looks like halo in ways.  Im not saying it is a clone but it obviously looks and feels similar.  It has even been explained by people outside of Bungie being similar to Halo.

Halo 1 is pretty old so itll be interesting to hear if you like it still.  Halo 2 was my favorite in the series.  Rumors are going around that Halo 3 might come to PC as well.  Hopefully it does so more people can play it.  Amazing series.

i havent played halo so i cant comment much, but from what i seen it doesnt seem much like halo. i guess we need to find out more about the game before judging. 

i know that the game will feel outdated when i play it, but its actually really interesting, to see the origin of the game. also i understood it has a great, unique story so i would like to discover that. and yeah there was a thread about halo3 coming to PC and thats were i found out that halo 1/2 came out on PC as well.

Yeah.  me and my friend was just talking about this yesterday.  Halo is one of the only FPS games that i have played that has a really good interesting story.  Tere is a few others but for the most part FPS games dont have great stories.  YOu should really try and play halo coop if you can.  It is a superb coop game and it has a great story.  I was playing Hallo Anniversary the other day and it still holds up well but you will notice some levels have  the same design throughout the whole level so it does show where it is older now.  I think you will still like it but if you can play Halo 3, Reach, and 4 after 1 and 2.  I know you dont have an xbox but even if you could go to a friends house and play them coopertavely you should.