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MaxwellAllen said:
If this is true it clearly proves that microsoft was caught off guard by the PS4 specs. There is no way they should be keeping this silent for this long, post PS4 reveal. Unless of coarse they are being forced to beef up their hardware in response to the PS4 announcement.

The only reason 360 had it's sales lead was the obvious early release. This time around we're seeing how microsoft handles a competitive launch window and of coarse a coherent Sony. This time around microsoft isn't getting 'lucky' and we see what's happening lol.

Why is microsoft allowing Sony to garner this much positive press and continue riding this wave of media love? Because they either have an amazing gimmick to sell their console, OR they were caught completely off guard and don't have anything that sets them apart from Sony's PS4. I'm think the latter is the truth.

I wish they would do another viral campaign that leads to a Pre-E3 announcement like they did with the Xbox 360