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ultraslick said:
Legend11 said:

What exclusives are you talking about? Almost all the ones worth stealing like Grand Theft Auto 4 and Resident Evil 5 are already going to appear on 360 (and GTA 4 with exclusive episodes as well).

As for the rest...

Metal Gear Solid 4 - The game's codec is truly annoying, and after trying Metal Gear Solid 2 I realized the game's storyline was going to be even worse. I'll take Gears of War 2 anyday over it.

Little Big Planet - The concept seemed really interesting until I saw the horrible gameplay. I'll take Banjo Kazooie 3 over it even without knowing what the gameplay is like, it can't be worse.

Gran Turismo 5 - Are they really charging people for a demo of the game? LOL. On 360 we've had Forza Motorsport 2 to play for awhile and I'm sure Forza Mortorsport 3 will be kick ass.

Afrika - LOLOLOLOL.. HAHAHAHAHA.. Sorry that's all I can think of saying about that one...

Killzone 2 - Well considering how amazing Killzone 1 was I can see why all the PS3 fanboys are hyped... Umm.. Yeah... Is there anyone really excited about this one that isn't a PS3 fanboy, seriously.

Resistance 2 - Actually looks interesting, I guess with the dought of shooters we should all be thanking the gaming gods for this one. Wait... There's like 25+ shooters coming out this year right? Yeah I think the genre is already well covered...

God of War 3 - 2009... By then there should be more than enough 360 games to compete.. If I wanted to get my action fix in this year I have Ninja Gaiden 2 and others...

Tekken 6 - It's not like we don't have some other great fighters coming already and ones that have already been released.

Final Fantasy 13 - Actually the one feather in the cap for Sony, I admit this one does look good. The one PS3 game worth a damn for non-PS3 fanboys. Wonder if it'll come out in 2008... Or if it'll be coming to 360 ;)

Rest of the PS3 exclusives - unproven franchises that most people haven't heard about to even care about.

 I have always had respect for what you have to say. It took me until now to see where your loyalties are.

All I have to say is wow. Did your little brother get onto your computer and post or something?

It just doesn't seem like you is all I mean. 

You're right :(  I think I just got pushed too far by the fanboys.  I now realize that many of the discussions on here are for the most part are just fanboys attacking each other rather than people talking about and enjoying actual gaming.  I think I'm going to take a break from the forums for awhile.  Take care everyone and I hope all of you have a great year, gaming and otherwise.