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Well ... currently I have about 40 physical games I have either yet to play or just started about 10 minutes in to see if they were functioning, and I have about 20 - 30 digital titles I have not touched yet. So, how big does my backlog have to be for me to stop buying? It doesn't matter to me really. If I see a game I am interested in at a deal I will make a purchase. I only spend $60 on games I intend to play now for now, even if it means only playing the campaign and neglecting the multiplayer. I bought GOW: A day one, finished it and loved it. I bought GoW: J day one, beat it and had a blast. Tomb Raider and Bioshock: Infinite are great games I intend to own, but I don't see myself playing them now, so I'll wait since I don't believe in spending 60 for backlog games.

I just picked up DmC (360), Team ICO HD collection and Zone of the Enders HD (360) at 20 each, and I have no intention of playing either of them now, but at that price I couldn't pass them up. I have about 100 games on my cart in Amazon between PS3, 360, Vita and 3DS. I don't mind spending 200 on games at a given moment, but it has to be worth it.