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TheLastStarFighter said:
Battlefield is the "me too" to CoD. It's the Sonic to Mario, the Rock Band to Guitar Hero. It's a big seller, but second fiddle in the war shooters category. It's a significant absence for Wii U, no question, but the titles the system needs are the ones I listed. If CoD is on Wii U and sells millions (not a couple 100k) then Battlefield will follow. It's tough for the also-rans on a Nintendo console. Consumers this fall will pick up Zelda, MarioU and MarioKartU. After that Watch_Dogs, AC4 and CoD will battle for interest. When the world's biggest shooter is relegated to 2nd level interest because of a flagship Mario, the second-place shooter becomes an afterthought.

I have to say that I rather want Battlefield than COD, but my autumn/winter is full with AC4, Watch dogs, Pokemon X and Y and the other nintendo games anyway, so I'm not really too dissapointed. Nontheless, I would like to get this game with gamepad only play.