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kain_kusanagi said:

Hey if you know what you like then there's no reason to waste your money on the rest.

BTW, Don't bother watching the Magic Knight Rayearth anime before playing the game. They are not connected. The game is pure Zelda style adventure but with the twist of having three characters with three different sets of weapons and magic abilities that you can switch between at any time. If you like Zelda than you'll like Magic Knight Rayearth for the Saturn. The anime is ok, but the game is fantastic. It's like A Link to the Past but so much more. The only negative, and it's minor, is that the begining of the game is very scripted to set up the story, but once you get past the first hour or so it opens up.

Was Rayearth released in the U.S.?  Note I actually read the manga and own the anime (Haven't watched it yet).  Shameless plug, but Crackle has Rayearth anime on there for free.  Plus a bunch of old anime, some new.