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naznatips said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
You said characters are more floaty and need more aerial skill this time around, so would that mean already good aerial characters such as Ness will be better this time around? How I got most of my kills last go round was because good use of Ness' aerial abilities. So would a fighter like him and a player like me transfer over well?

If you are good in the air with Ness, then yes, the floatiness will help. 

  Ness' strength always came from his air attacks, he was a bit floaty before it became the fad in Brawl lol, but yeah his air smash attacks did a lot of damage and I was pretty good at making a string of attacks in the air.

Thanks though all I really wanted to know about the game, the aerial of Ness didn't help too much in Melee in fact it, it nerfed him from SSB on 64 cause SSBM was more of a ground based attack and combo game. Not a lot of good air attacks will do if no one else is up there with you.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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