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Mario_pana said:
What are you guys talking about I think it will.
1. PS4 is on demand from two to three weeks ago.
2. It has cloud streaming games PSone, PS2, PS3 it's the future of backwards compatibility.
3. It is very developer friendly easy to make games, because of this there will be more suport in more exclusive franchises.
4. You can play a part of a game that you have finished for a friend who can't beat it.
5. There is a grathics jump like PSone to PS2 and I thort grathics could not become much better.
6. No load times. 😃

1. PS4 is on demand from two to three weeks ago.

 Have abosolutly no clue what this have to do with the PS4 being a revolution to the industry.

2. It has cloud streaming games PSone, PS2, PS3 it's the future of backwards compatibility. 

 Its the future when Sony can actually show this feature working without issues.  If Sim City, Diablo3 and a host of other games have shone, game companies and the internet is not ready for such internet traffic.  Also with people having limits to the amount of data they can upload and download we will see how much this feature actually is used.  If we are to go by Online, there is a lot of things that will need to change before this is a feature worth anything more than a bullet point on the console box..  Saying you can do something and actually having the bandwidth to actually make it work is 2 different things.

3. It is very developer friendly easy to make games, because of this there will be more suport in more exclusive franchises.

I am sorry but this is not revolutionary.  This was already done by MS with the first Xbox and just because Sony got wise and did the same thing isn't suddenly going to change the industry.  As developers have already stated the WiiU is easy to develop for and you can bet the next Xbox will as well.  As someone stated before, welcome to 2005 Sony.

4. You can play a part of a game that you have finished for a friend who can't beat it.

Out of everything you stated this actually sounds pretty damn good but until we see it implemented its just wishful thinking.  I want to see implementation not marketing talk because we already seen that with MS kinect.  MS stated all these great things you will see the Kinect do but when it came to implementation the hardware was not capable.  Right now Sony only talked about what they want to do, we have not seen what they can actually bring to the table.

5. There is a grathics jump like PSone to PS2 and I thort grathics could not become much better.  

This jump just make the PS4 comparable to TODAY's PC capability.  Everyone expects the PS4 to have a decent jump in visuals but so far from the games they showed at their press conference, there isn't nothing there that says the PS4 will outclass whats capable for PC today.

6. No load times.  

We will see about this one.  More memory does help with load times but revolutionary is more towards evolution as both consoles and PC has tons of memory to accomplish the same task.


Personally I do not see any particular feature shown at the PS4 conference for the PS4 that says it will change the industry.  Most points people have stated are already done by other companies, hardware or infrastructure.  The PS4 is a solid but it's not lighting my fire.  The CPU is a mobil chip and the GPU has the power of a mid range graphics card at this time.  The 8GB of GDDR is the most exciting thing as far as hardware goes but I am interested in see how Sony will solve the latency issue with CPU intensive parts of a game and will there need be compromises.