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superchunk said:
Badonkadonkhr said:

I got to play wii sports yesterday. And here is my review.

Tennis - Only One court , no one on one , you can't move your character , how hard you swing has nothing to do with what happens. :(

Bowling - My least favorite , extremely boring , No replayability , not even with friends:(

Golf - 9 holes? One course? No arms ? Well that is every game. Playing the same 9 holes over and over .... Yikes

Boxing - Nunchuck required , no uppercuts , can't move players head

Baseball - 3 innings, no bunts , there should be more

The whole game feels very limited , also extremely overrated. No replayability. it doesn't seem there was any effort to make this game fun. 5 games that aren't good and horrible graphics. You also have to go out and buy a remote and nunchuck separately. Since its free , I'll put the score up a point , though.

Overall - 5/10



ok, for one this is purely a party, many friends type of game. Expecting a solo, awesome, intense realistic sports frenzy is just stupid.

 Tennis, your points are mostly valid, however, the timing of your swing and angle of your "racket" do matter. You can get very precise on where the ball should go. Also if you play doubles you can really put down some crazy hits.

 Bowling - wow did you even play this game for more than one session? This is by far the best game on the disc. Very realistic-ish as far as game control go. I have seen more grandparents who have never touched a video game love this game.

Golf - well, truthfully, Mario Tennis from the N64 is better. Hell, only hard part is as you get closer knowing how to swing less to ensure you don't go over. Yes 18 holes should be there.

 Boxing - Only fun with friends. You can move your whole body, your wiimote+nunchuk must move with you. You can dodge and uppercut as well. However, it is not 1:1 movement which is why I am looking for prizefighter from EA later to see how good it is.

Baseball - You can bunt. Just need to hold the bat out and make sure it hits the ball. However, it is easy to cheat with this game as the full arc of the swing for batting/pitching is not necessary. But, fun with friends never the less.

 The whole game is limited. For a reason. This is supposed to demonstrate the Wii's potential. Give people the taste of full interaction with games. Be very simple so grandma and grandpa will buy one. It serves its purpose perfectly. It is the reason the Wii is outselling any gaming console ever. Oh and to paraphrase someone from this site, "Graphics don't make great games, they just make them pretty".

What does buying a wiimote+nunchuk seperately have to do with anything? Especially Wii Sports? It's still $60 for a wireless controller. Same as every other system.

 In reality I think you are just a person laying out flame bait and just knocking the Wii.

Wii Sports = 7.5/10.  


I didn't play solo , I had 2 people with me. On tennis , I said nothing about swing and angle , I said the power of your swing. Its just with only one court , course , and field , and bad graphics and only 5 games. This could have been so much better.


PSN NAME : CommonCriminal

Now Playing : The Orange Box , Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare

KH3 Bet :

"I, Badonkadonkhr, risk 1 week ban by claiming KH3 will be Sony exclusive, if I am found wrong, I will also start a thread praising those who were right"