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Well, that's quite a bit of work you put into that. However, I believe that you are wrong in a couple areas.

The 2 games you quoted at the beginning, Ninjabread Man and Alvin and the Chipmunks - they also appear on the ps2. So, since you used these games to state that Nintendo has quality control issues, I'm assuming that you think Sony has quality control issues as well, yes?

You also stated that shovelware is somehow a new phenomenon, that's never been around before the wii. Shovelware has been around on home consoles before, most notably the ps1 and the ps2. Coincidentally, those two consoles were the consoles that won the generation....much like the way the wii is winning the current generation. And shovelware has been on the handhelds since the gameboy.

Nintendo is in a difficult position with respect to shovelware. They were very strict in the past, and the games on the NES/SNES were fantastic.....but the third parties didn't like that. Third parties left Nintendo very quickly when they had the chance, after the emergence of Sony. They are coming back, although very slowly, and if Nintendo started being strict again, they may just leave again, like before. It's a lose-lose situation.

That's all I have to say for now.