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kupomogli said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, I was taking a look at how many JRPG's I have to beat.... I have a lot, but the thing is I own them, so I can play them any time.

I own all the 3D Tales games (I don't like the 2D ones) and all the Star Oceans. I've beaten a few Tales games, but not a single Star Ocean. I also own Radiata Stories, all on my TDL.

Wow, great advice about XenoSaga. Yea, I played the first one for 2 hours and was really bored, but I liked XenoBlade and XenoGears so much, I also downloaded all the cutscenes of XenoSaga 2. Skimming over them they also looked kinda dull. I'll watch the movies and if I like it I'll get XenoSaga 3 and play that.

Suikoden II is one of the most expensive PS1 games, that's the problem. I've seen copies for $120, but no less. This is high on my watch list, but it might take me a while to find a copy even for under $60.

As for FF Tactics, I beat FF Tactics Advance, and played about 2-3 hours of A2 and War of the Lions each. They are good games, but to me Front Mission, Fire Emblem, Tactics Ogre, and Jeanne D'Arc are better SRPG's. Either way, I own them all, and they are also on my TDL.


Basically, I wanted to ask what are good SRPG's because I think the JRPG's I own or plan to buy pretty much cover everything I want. (Check out My Games, I have basically everything updated). The few JRPG's which I think are great which I don't have, I don't have because they are expensive on ebay and hard to find elsewhere. I'm keeping an eye out hoping for a deal.

I have the first Shining Force, and I'll stick with that for now. When I eventually play it I'll judge the series. Thanks for all your other recommendations.

BTW I have a Sega CD, other then Dark Wizard and maybe Lunar and Shining Force CD, and recommendations? Tell me about Dark Wizard.

With the information you and others have given me, this is the list of JRPG's I'm looking out for:

Arc the Lad Collection and maybe Twislight of the Spirits (What do you recommend)
Blazing Heros

Brave Fencer Musashi
Breat of Fire 1 & 2
Brigandine Legend of Foresna
Chrono Trigger (have it for DS, wand it for SNES)
Dark Cloud 1 & 2
Dark Wizard (Maybe)
Disgaea 1, 3 & 4 (If I like 2, which I do so far)
Dragon Force (Saturn)
Dragon Warrior 3 (hoping it localized for 3DS)
Grandia 3
Kartia: The Word of Fate (Maybe)
Lunar: Eternal Blue (if I like Silver Star Harmony)
Ni No Kuni
Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen
Panzer Dragoon 1/Zwei/Saga
Resonance of Fate
Romancing Saga (PS2)
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Shadow Hearts 1/Covenant/New World
Shining Force 2/CD/Holy Ark/3 (If I like 1)
Soul Sacrifice (When I get a PSV years down the road)
Suikoden 2/4
Tales of the Abyss 3DS
Tales of Graces f
Tales of Xillia
Thousand Arms
Threads of Fate
Vagrant Story
XenoSaga 3 (If I like the Movies)

Bold games are games I added after everyones input.

Most of the games are low on my TDL because I should get a couple more main series FF games finished and a couple Dragon Quest and Star Ocean Games finished as well. However I like having a comprehensive list because sometimes I do find a deal. Like I said before I've purchased Super Mario RPG for $5, and Ogre Battle 64 (Complete) for $40, and FFVII for $30 I believe complete/black edition, among other deals. If I see say for instance Suikoden 2 or Shadow Hearts Covenant on sale, I don't have to debate it now because I have this list of games I've looked into.

Thanks for the info on Arc The Lad, it was hard finding info on it and I wasn;t sure about it. I passed the collection up for $30 in the past, had I known.

Any other recommendations?


You know what's funny. Even with this pretty extensive list of games, and the fact I haven't beaten any 16/32 bit FF/DQ game, Pandora's Tower is the highest game on my TDL followed by Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Kinda want to beat all of this gens offerings first). After that I'll probably be playing Translated mods of older Fire Emblem games or Front Mission 3/4 or Chrono Cross. FF and DQ really don't rank that high on my TDL. However once I get a 3DS XL I'll probably play DQ VI, VII, or IX, but I kninda know what to expect from FF games since I have beaten I, II, X, Tactics, Crystal Chronicles and most of VII and some of VI.

However for handhelds, I've beaten nearly every good JRPG pre-DS (except for console remakes like FFVI and Sword of Mana), and I think I'll finish most of my PSP/DS JRPG's and remakes within the next 2-3 years or so. FF and DQ games do rank high on my TDL for handhelds.

Oops.  I didn't realize there was a my games list.  I'm looking at that right now, although I wish it could list all the games in the bookshelf like view per system or category instead of just mixed around like it seems. 

Okay, well anyways, here's the gist of Dark Wizard.  Dark Wizard has multiple characters to choose from, each character having different skills and such.  On Dark Wizard the maps are mostly similar to Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen, Fire Emblem, or Advance Wars where there are multiple towns on one giant map and movement and attacking is hexagonal instead of a squared or real time.  Monsters are summoned with MP and characters like Priests/Mages, etc, are purchased using gold and have an upkeep.  If any character dies they're gone for good, but if they don't die, you can keep them and bring them into future battles.  After finishing one area you choose allies that you'll bring with you that didn't die and attack the next area. 

I'll make a couple recommendations from the list you already have. 

If you're interested in Breath of Fire 1 and 2, make sure to get the GBA versions.  The graphics are a little bit worse than the SNES version, mainly because of the brighter tones, but also a little less detailed.  You won't really notice much of a difference though.  The GBA versions give extra EXP and Gold so they really cut down on the grinding the SNES games require.  The GBA versions might require a little bit of grinding, but not even close to the amount that the SNES versions require.  They balanced the games a lot better. 

If you have a ranking list on which ones you'd get first, I'd recommend putting Earthbound at the bottom as while it's a decent game, it's not worth the price you'll be paying for it at all.  Suikoden 4 is better than most of this gens console RPGs, but compared to previous gens it's not nearly as good.  Wherever Brave Fencer Musashi and Threads of Fate are, put Brave Fencer Musashi above Threads of Fate.  Both good, but Brave Fencer Musashi is better. 

For your TDL, if you're playing Star Ocean the Last Hope so you won't be disappointed after you play Star Ocean 1 and 2 then I'd recommend that one first, but if you're playing it because it interests you the most or you think it'll be a good game, I'd say put it after most of what you have except the ones you have little interest in.  The gameplay is fairly good but the story s awful and they force you to go through so much of it.

If you get around to playing Final Fantasy Tactics again, I'd recommend either playing the PSX version or make sure to d ownload the speed patch which would require you to have a CFW PSP.  If you don't like the dialogue on War of the Lions then you'll want to play the PSX version.  If you don't like the slowdown between attacks, the original version doesn't have that slowdown and the speed patch fixes the  slow down.  Such an amazing game, such an awful port.  Here's an example video.  I'd show you the PSX to PSP comparison, but the person is comparing it in the final boss area(why didn't he think of doing it at the beginning?)  The patch is Gafgarion's very first attack in the game, meaning you'll be able to keep the extras, like the extra characters and normal characters can now access special classes like Gafgarion's Dark Knight class.  One thing is the patch seems to introduce a little bit of lag in the attack, but it could also be the recording or Youtube that introduces that judder like lag.  I haven't used the patch, just saw this and recommended it over the original PSP version.  I couldn't get through the PSP version because of the slowdown, but I can easily go back and play the PSX version.

If you ever get around to playing FF4.  Don't play the GBA version.  The game is full of bugs, glitches, and lag.  Edge's back row boomerangs are considered front row weapons.  Another crappy port from Square Enix.  Complete Collection on the other hand is amazing.  I'd highly recommend playing it.  When you play it, don't be afraid to try stuff out that usually don't work often on most RPGs as well.  FF4 was one of the few RPGs that don't have the letters SMT where spells like slow, stop, and death, have a high accuracy rate.  Slow and stop are 100% on enemies that it affects while death is a high percentage.  The Dragon Quest games do too, but unless your allies that have death are on auto battle, it won't seem like it works on anyone.

Also.  Not RPG, but based on other games in your collection I'm assuming you're a Twisted Metal fan.  You've got all the Twisted Metal games except Small Brawl, 2012, and PS2 Head On.  But really.  You have Twisted Metal 3 and 4 but not 2012? 

I'm just kidding.  I'm a Twisted Metal fan as well and would highly recommend the PS3 game.  It's an amazing game that gets a lot of unwaranted hated.  Atleast partially unwaranted hate.  The online was complete garbage and I quit playing the game because of how bad it was.  It actually works now, but has a high chance if you're on an old model PS3 of crashing.  Just my luck.  If you get on now and play it, the random people on there are on like 12+ hours a day.  It's fun to play online, but it's more fun playing against friends. 

You can view 1 console at a time you know.

I'm looking aout for copies of Breath of Fire 1 & 2 for GBA. I really liked them on SNES. Do you know if they support sleep mode? I bought FFVI, the last GBA game published by Nintendo and it doesn't support sleep mode. I was shocked.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope is high on my list, mostly because I don't trust my 360 and think it's going to break. So I want to beat all of its exclusives ASAP. Wii games are also high on my list because I won't let myself get a Wii U until I beat my Wii games. After that, my TDL is mostly compromised of games I don't own. MOST of the games listed are low on my TDL, that's why I don't even own them yet, but I do eventually want to own them.

For FF Tactics, despite the PSP versions shortcomings, I'll probably play it over the PSX version because A. I have a job which involves a lot of waiting, so I typically beat for handheld RPG's then consoles in a typical year and B. Cool anime cutscenes.

I will beat FFIV on PSP because of the bigger screen, better quality sound and graphics and...sleep function! Big factor, plus you have the epilogue.

I have Twisted Metal Small Brawl, it's not in the collection? I used to be a huge Twisted Metal fan when I owned my PS1 (It broke so I play PS1 games on PS2 now), and Black made me a Rolling Stones fan. However I am very disappointed with where the franchise has gone recently. I own Head on for PSP, I think the only TM game I don't own is 2012, and like I said I don't like where they went with the game. Twisted Metal for PS1 and PS2 pushed the consoles and the physics of the system, why do entire buildings fall when you shoot the corner in 2012? The game started out as an Arcade game and it feels like that.

If I were to make a TDL, off the top of my head it would go like this:

Pandora's Tower
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid Other M
Tales of Vesperia (I'm still not done, but a good way through)
Fallout New Vegas
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Infinite Undiscovery
Baten Kaitos (At EndGame)
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (I want my gf to get as far as possible in it before I beat it. That way I legitimatly don't know what to do when we're stuck)
Chrono Cross
XenoGears (Haven't Finished)
Front Mission 4 (didn't beat the last 2 levels)
Front Mission 3
Skies of Arcadia
Shadow Heart Covananent
Suikoden 3 maybe I dunno after this.

Jeanne d'Arc
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Crisis Core: FFVII
Tactics Ogre: LUCT
Final Fantasy VI
Valkyria Chronicles 2
Soma Bringer
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony
Breath of Fire III
Final Fantasy IV
Whatever I feel like playing at the time for PSP
Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals

However when I get a 3DS XL (I need a better battery, or at least a better colour), 3DS and DS games will jump to the top of my list

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Luigi's Mansion
Super Mario 3D Land
Tales of the Abyss 3D
Dragon Quest VI
Infinite Space
Dragon Quest IX
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Suikoden T
Dragon Quest IV

Then after all that the few GBA games I have to beat. Shing Force, Sword of Mana, FFV, Tactics Ogre


LOL quite a long to do list and PS1 games are at the bottom of consoles. My goal this year is to beat 10 home console RPG's, I've got 2 done with Mass Effect 3 and Nier, but I hear Pandora's Tower (Not JRPG) is short, and I'm nearly don'e Catherine, so that shouldn't take long. Plus Metroids are short games and I'm half through 3. I might get sick of Wii/360 JRPG's and I might boot up Chrono Cross/XenoGears though.

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