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KungKras said:
KingHades said:
KungKras said:
Counter question. If it's not games, then what is it?

The Console itself is unnatractive.

I tried the Game Pad and it feels like something new especially since it's portable,but no it's still missing something.

I'll agree that the gamepad doesn't add anything that people value. But it could have been worse, there could have been a serious error in the design, like the Game Gear battey life, the Jaguar processors or the entire Virtual boy. So far, it seems like a bland platform because nothing about it stands out.

Going back to this point for a second: I believe that the Gamepad is a serious problem, second only to the current lack of software. And unlike the software issue, the Gamepad problem is going to stay with the system for the rest of its life.

Simply put, the Gamepad is not just unappealing, I believe it is an active deterrent for many people. When they designed the Wii, Nintendo created the Wiimote primarily because their data indicated the general public found dual analogue controllers to be intimidating, unweildly, and off-putting. The Wiimote, with its streamlined simplicity and familiar design, was intended as the inviting antidote to those problems. Nintendo realized that playing might be believing...but if the control is so alienating that people refuse to try playing, they'll never get around to believing.

Fast forward six years and Nintendo seems to have forgotten that lesson, along with several others that made it an unprecedented success last generation. The gamepad shares all the drawbacks of dual analogue controllers - it basically is a dual-analogue controller - along with a slew of new ones. It now looks bulky and unweildly, the giant screen in the middle is something of a headscratcher, and it seems to be far less suited to motion controls that its predecessor. One can't even argue that it looks like a tablet: a tablet is simple and streamlined, with only a few,well-disguised buttons. The gamepad has buttons and sticks and doodads all up the wazoo: it's like Frankenstein raided a Circuit City.

oniyide said:

Sony didnt smear anybody with anything, stop it.

You're not honestly asserting...

Actually, let me take a step back. What, exactly, are you asserting here?