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Chark said:
I didn't think this was still a question. PS3 has been selling better than 360 for practically the entire generation. It has just been catching up because the 360 was the first console to release. 360 sold really well in the US and it seems until recently been unopposed by PS3 popularity. 360 still dominates the holidays because of the US market size but that might change after next gen consoles release. PS3 also has an amazing set of games releasing this year while the 360 is pretty bare. PS3 lifetime sales will pass 360 this year and remain so until they are discontinued.

actually the 360 in no way dominated last holiday. it shipped 5.9 million units, while ps2/ps3 shipped 6.8 million. in 2011 Q4 ps2 shipped 500K units. do you really think that this year ps2 managed to double its shipments in the last quarter? no way. ps3 clearly outshipped the 360 last holiday quarter. and its backed up by jack tretton saying that the ps3 is around 77 million about a month back. if the site sales were right, now way would they have been at 77 million sales.