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Today I went to Target to buy GoW:A. While I was looking for the game there was a sale sign, "Buy 2 get 1 free." That's nice I thought... I just want GoW:A. While I was browsing the section looking for GoW:A I noticed the R* 4 game pack... "Cool" I thought "but I doubt there is another game that I want." Well... then I saw the double pack of Bioshock... then I started thinking, "How many games can I actually get with this deal..." I finally found GoW:A (Ironically it was behind the sale sign). I asked the guy, "What are the games for the deal because the sign says "select" games. He said it was any and he doesn't know why it said that. So I decided to see how much the games would be out of curiosity and I chose the Enzio Trilogy for my free game.

GoW:A - $59.99
R* 4 game pack - $49.99
Enzio Trilogy - Free

Milwaukee's sales tax is 5%. So the total came out to be $115 but with my employee discount of 10% and the target red card that gives you 5% off everything the final amount was just shy of $100.

Considering I went to spend $63 on GoW:A alone it's like I spent less than $40 on 7 games.

What do you think? Did I get a deal?