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As awesome as brawl is, I seriously doubt it will make the top ten. A game as quirky and unique as brawl is going to get some middling reviews. ALOT of reviewers are going to miss Smash's deep metagame amongst the hardcore and label it a shallow fighter. It will by a number be considered a frenetic party game devoid of any real depth, or skill. Points will be docked for a lack of voice chat, communication, and general lack of depth in it's online system by some reviewers. Others will choose to nitpick and say that the SubSpace Emissary isn't that great of a platformer, or that various modes have some kind of flaw.

To get into the top ten you gotta have really consistently high scores. And a game beyond classification, like brawl, will undoubtedly get some 8.somethings in the mix by reviewers that don't know how to judge it, or dock alot of points for minor gripes. I'll be surprised if it's in the top 10, and floored if it gets in the top 5.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.