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happydolphin said:
People like to freak out, but really the system is not at its prime. Were retailers freaking out when the 360 sold slowly?

The 360 sold slowly because of supply issues. So the retailers were happy if they even got some systems they could sell. It didn't eat up any space in stores. The Wii U takes up valueable space while not selling at all. If something doesn't sell for weeks, retailers will get rid of it, even if it means they'll make a loss. But space in stores is too important to fill it up with stuff the consumer doesn't want. 

It's a major problem and Nintendo has to deal with it as fast as they can. It's totally normal, they are also giving Wonderbook away around here for 10 € because nobody wanted that damn thing. But if a console itself loses space in stores, you are in serious trouble. If the Wii U vanishes from stores completely, Nintendo will have a hard time in convincing retailers to buy systems once again. They are losing trust in Nintendo and that is very dangerous. Because if the Wii U is not present at local stores, people will even more forget about it. 

That's why releasing games sometime in the far future isn't enough. Nintendo has to do something fast. What would that be? I don't know and thankfully it's not my problem. But if Nintendo just sits around and does nothing, the Wii U will die faster than anyone expected. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.