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ninjablade said:
curl-6 said:
Mnementh said:
curl-6 said:
Mnementh said:
 As a gamer I want every game to be multiplat. We don't win with exclusives.

Yes we do; we get games that are actually tailored to make the most of a specific console, something multiplats rarely do.

You're wrong. That was true earlier, as consoles had really special chipsets. Today porting involves mostly compiling it for the new platform, testing, looking for framerate-drops and eventually adjust texture.-quality, effects and polygon-count. The only special thing are input-devices, but thats mostly not that important. Although ZombiU makes good use of the gamepad, I think it is possible to port it to different input-schemes. But the differences between CPU and GPU are mostly the power, and that can be adjusted to with graphical quality.

You get better technical results building a game around one console's hardware than porting, which is why the best looking console games of any generation are exclusives.

And input devices matter more than graphics. Imagine playing Wii Sports Resort with a dualshock.

RDR, resident evil 5, mirror edge,BF3,  assain creed, crysis 2, far cry 3 max pain 3 and rage  are all beautiful games on there own right, its just people will rave about the graphics way more if its exclusive so the could show off there console, crysis 2 would have been the best looking game this gen if it was hd and 30 fps locked easily.

There are many beautiful multiplats, yes, but to get the very most out of a system, the design of the game itself must be tailored to the specific quirks of the hardware, to make the most of what it does best. That's the big advantage of exclusives.