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Katilian said:
I didn't wait at all for my Wii. I decided to head into town after lunch when the Wii launched to see if there was any set up to have a look at. When I got down there, there was still a few sitting in the cabinets (Big W). I decided to head around to the local games specialist store to see if they had one set up, which they did, so I spent a few minutes looking at it. After about 30 minutes of pondering if I'd actually buy one, I did.

I've never understood why people would wait around for hours to get a console (or almost any new items). I don't even see the point in preordering. It isn't like you aren't going to survive if you don't have it immediately.

 I waited outside of Circuit City on Black Friday because of the excellent deals.  There were about 40 of my 22" monitor inside...I was near the front of the line...I came back to the store about 7 am out of curiosity and there were none left...that's why I make sure to wait for the good deals.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )