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sethnintendo said:
3nix said:
I have to look more into the time zones so we can work together because those online hunts are already not easy. Hunting the qurupeco was not easy because it kept calling the rathian lol, but we killed it. I would highly recommend spending at least like 5 to 7 hours playing offline to get better equipment. Fought the royal Ludroth as well Mad55 attacks were bouncing off and normal Infinite S1 bullets weren't doing any justice :p. In the end Mad55 died (I think) and there was about 1 minute left AND I got teamed by little ludroths.

Sounds like a noob massacre...  Must get better equipment!

Lol knawll we just couldnt kill the royal ludroth with our weapons we never lost. though connect disconnected us with a minute left which is why enix thought I died. Though yea it has been a minute since weve played better equipment is the name of the game today lol. The qurupecomission was pretty cool though we managed to kill his clappin ass.