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ninjablade said:
curl-6 said:
hunter_alien said:
curl-6 said:

hunter_alien said:

 Its clear as day now, that no game on the WiiU will show that its objectivly far more powerfull than the 360 or PS3, just like the Wii never prooved that is is more powerfull than an Xbox.

The Wii showed it as more powerful than the Xbox wth Mario Galaxy, Jett Rocket, and Modern Warfare 3.

And the idea that the Wii U is maxed out within five months of its release is ludicrous, anyone who thinks so clearly knows very little about game development.

I havent stated that, dont [put it in my mouth. Yet we still dont see any games on the WiiU that looks as good as halo4/Uncharted 3, like it or not, and at the moment its pretty much guaranteed IMO that much better looking games wont come to the WiiU.

I havent played Jett Rocket, so I wont comment on that, but lets be honest neither MG or MW3 on the Wii didnt do anything far better than what SC4/H2/D3/HL2 did on the original Xbox... lets dont fool ourselves, OK?

Nintendo will never have any advantage in the graphical department, and I am baffeled that with the WiiU, for Nintendo fans graphics do matter all the sudden. I believed that gameplay is all that mattares. Or was I wrong?

I was addressing claims across the thread, not you specifically, with that part. It look 5/7 years to get Uncharted 3/Halo 4 out of the PS3/360, Wii U hasn't even been out for one year, and nobody has even really tried to push its capabilities with an exclusive yet.

Mario Galaxy pushed tons of multitexturing (star bits, coins, metal, ice, water, lava, etc) reflective and refractive materials, rim lighting on pretty much everything, high quality particle effects, and tricks like fur shading and heat distortion, and did it all at 60fps; no Xbox game did as much. And Modern Warfare 3 pushed the Wii's CPU and memory very hard, and the Wii has a better CPU and more RAM than the Xbox.

And gameplay matters far more than graphics and always has; this won't change for me. If I really wanted graphics I'd save up for a nuclear-powered gaming PC cooled by angel's tears. ;)

lol, uncharted 2, GOW3 and kill zone 2 maxed out the ps3 5-4 years ago, sure games look better, but nothing by a huge margin. and you have no idea what your talking about ninja gaiden, splinter cell and conkers bad furry hair day look  much better the mario glaxy techincally, wii couldn't even do proagramable shaders, not mention sould caliber 2 was running 720p= better looking then anyhting on wii.

UC2, GOW3 and KZ2 all came out 2-3 years into the PS3's lifespan; Wii U hasn't been out even a quarter as long.

The Wii didn't have GPU programmable shaders but it was better at multitexturing, effects like EMBM, CPU performance, RAM speed, and RAM capacity. Mario Galaxy couldn't be done on Xbox without cutbacks, nor could Jett Rocket or Modern Warfare 3.