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I had problems with Safari on my Mac (couldn't upload any boxart pictures - until I found out that this is a general Safari problem). Fortunately I have no problems with Firefox and I made my 100th post yesterday.

Now I could finally add boxarts to some undisputable PC classics like Indiana Jones and the Fate Atlantis, Day of the Tentacle, Civilization (this game was in the database without boxart for several months - shame on all lazy CIV lovers on this site), as well as adding other games of my youth like Privateer, Dune II (oh cruel world, how could this be totally missing until today), Magic Carpet, Syndicate, Lands of Lore, Betrayal at Krondor...

Adding games is fun. PC gamers or former PC gamers (like myself): Keep up, there are still many games missing.

I think I've detected another minor problem:
The system always seems to set the release date one day back (e.g. when I enter 01/01/93, the sytem puts it automatically to 12/31/92 upon saving).