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Mnementh said:
KingHades said:
Max King of the Wild said:
I don't respond to long posts ever, I just get too bored to even bother and I don't find it worth it in all honesty. Nothing against you, I ignore every long post.

Also, I think 50mil is optimistic though realistic. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit 50mil but I would be surprised if it reached higher than that... and wouldn't be surprised if it were lower

Same lol I don' bother reading essay's that people write to me on the internet.

Well, you're both so cool: "I don't read anything so that I have to change my believe in wrong myths." Well, so you basically both are saying discussion with you is useless, because you will not read anything about facts or data. Good to know.

No, I'm saying it's an art form to be able to directly get your point across in a timely manner and people should learn how to do it if they want a response from me. Politicians need to learn it. Teachers need to learn it.