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Scoobes said:
keroncoward said:
HoloDust said:
keroncoward said:

It is a CONFIRMED customized Tablet/Mobile Phone GPU. Go research what the bobcat is (basically the Jaguar is two bobcats put together). The only RAM that would matter to help visuals is the VRAM on the video card itself. The RAM we are speaking about will only help draw distance, how fast the game loads up and they will set aside some to add features like cross game chat and whatever else. People treating 8GB RAM like its the new cell lol. If both GPUs have the same modern DX11 like features then we would not see that much of a difference.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about...

- Jaguar is low-power CPU arhcitecture, not GPU. It is aimed at tablets, netbooks and ultra-thin notebooks. I has nothing to do with mobile phones. It is NOT two Bobcats put toghether

- PS4 has fully coherent GDDR5 memory pool with unified adress space for CPU and GPU - their is no separate system RAM and VRAM in PS4

- more RAM is not new Cell - more RAM allows for better textures, better lighting and in potential future engines better Sparse Voxel Octree rendering, to name just a few advantages.

I have no idea what im talking about? Jaguar is a APU which is a CPU and GPU in one (Wii U's GPGPU comes to mind). AMD dont even make APUs for the public to buy again from what i know. You have no idea what a APU is and how it works with crossfire. If PS4 only has 8bg RAM as you are claiming with no VRAM on the GPU then it makes sense what youre saying. You right its not two Bobcats put together cause two Bobcats put together would have performed better as i explained i was exaggerating when i said that. Jaguar only performs 30% better than the Bobcat at best. You seriously think a tablet APU would not be able to run in a mobile phone? Fyi there are already mobile phones that have far better specs than current gen but they just dont have the compelling software to show off the capabilities. Mobile phone devs are not going to invest countless time and money just to make a game comparable to consoles on a mobile phone.

You should really stop, it's getting a bit embarrasing.

AMD APUs for public purchase:

Consumer based Jaguar products will only be 4-core, so the chip in the PS4 will have twice the theoretical power with 8 identical Jaguar cores.

The APU in the PS4 is a SoC. All the RAM will be available to both the CPU and GPU components. There is no crossfire, it's just one big APU that hasn't been done on this scale before, or using the GCN architecture. This also means that bottlenecks that exist on a normal desktop PC with seperate dedicated GPU vs CPU and seperate RAM pools of system vs VRAM don't exist in this setup.

An APU is not like a GPGPU. GPGPU has been around for ages and simply the transferring of traditionally CPU related tasks to a GPU. It's much harder to code for than traditional CPU development, but some tech/middleware is starting to make use of it (e.g. Havok, UE4).

It's highly unlikely you'll see these chips on mobile phones, the power consumption vs ARM is too great.

LOL i said they are not MAKING them anymore for the public. All modern AMD CPUs are the FX series there are no new A series for Desktop PCs. Youre not confusing anyone else here but youself. Sugar coat it any way you want i stated a FACT about the Jaguar from AMD themselves. Go ahead and try to refute a fact. Funny how the link you posted all the APU's are old dual and quad cores that are considered ancient and low end for today's standards.