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mjk45 said:
hsrob said:
If the same people are going to make a big deal about this every time a game bigger than 10gigs comes out, it's going to get old really fast, if it hasn't already.

We've known the Wii U would have a maximum of 32 gigs internal storage ever since the SKUs were announced. It should have been obvious to everyone, given that the optical discs can store tens of gigs, that you were not going to be able to download more than a couple of full sized games before the system was full.

Either you are someone who is happy to buy physical discs or you are someone who was going to (sooner or later) need to purchase a hard drive. That equation has not changed for more than a year.

Thankfully Nintendo has given you, the user, the option to choose a hard drive in whatever size you want or can afford. The alternative is building in a hard drive which drives up the cost of the system by more than the cost of purchasing the same sized hard drive at the store.

Not really all they had to do was have a bay and let us put in our own drives , just like you can swap drives in the PS3 of what ever size you want ,  about the point of it being obvious we would run out of space , it should have been obvious to Nintendo that a drive bay would have solved the problem without greatly increasing  the form factor  , and at the same time leave a smaller footprint than the Wii U plus external drive.

This would have been a reasonable option but now it is coming down to a matter of preference.  As it is I can plug any existing external USB drives that I already have lying around my house.  I don't personally see an advantage to having a bay versus a small external USB drive which, in my entertainment unit, won't even be seen anyway.