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When has the Catholic Church not been focused on the poor?

They've pretty much always focused on charity and helping the less fortunate. Occasional scandal aside.

There effectiveness as a charity is one of the things that makes government attempts look so poor.

As for advocating for more redistributive wealth policies... I'm not sure what Saint Francis would have to do with that.. or anything really.

You are missing the entire point. Helping the poor is not only seen as a good for the poor, but as a good for the self.

Saint Francis pushed for people to reject the worldly and give all they could to help there fellow man. He didn't force anybody to do so, nor did he suggest compulsory laws to do so.

To do so would hurt others and himself spiritually in an attempt to help others physically. Since forcibly removing wealth will only cause those who have it to hold on to it tighter.  Rather then increase brotherhood across nations and within them It will breed a greater resentment towards those who are poor. 

Forcibly taking something from one person and then handing it to another psychologically doesn't exactly create friendship afterall.

If we are assuming purely spiritual motives... supporting such policies would only lead to damn others.

If we are assuming non spiritual motives... I guess they could be supporting it in hopes it would make MORE people poor and rely on the church.

Since the Catholic Church's main ways to grow tend to specifically be through charity based missionary work.


Assuming the Pope is here to promote unity and save souls etc... it probably wouldn't be the best idea.  Since such policies will only make people more drawn in.