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dsgrue3 said:
curl-6 said:
dsgrue3 said:
curl-6 said:

Someone seems upset. 

Who are you to say it's "stupid" to consider Call of Duty or Wii Play shitty? Are you a member of the opinion gestapo?

By any objective analysis, CoD is far from shitty. You're welcome to continue your subjective analysis though, everyone is entitled to this.

I don't believe there is an "objective" way to evaluat a game. We all see through a lens, even a view that takes into account others will still always be coloured by our own experiences and biases.

Sales and Profit are completely objective. Like I said, you're welcome to have a negative, subjective opinion on games that are objectively good. I personally found Dishonored to be tedious and boring, but objectively it was a success.

Yes, sales and profit are objective. But they're not the same thing as quality.