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Me I just think folks take stuff WAY to personal on here at times. And I have only started posting here recently but I have been here since 2007 back when this was like a NIN only site lol. My how times have changed. I would swear that a lot of you have stock in said companies they way threads like this or being made and how much one person puts down company A and praises company B.

Like I like SONY TV's personally and I am a PS fan as well. So I am happy to hear about the PS4 and what is going to offer. I am happy with all the games till coming out for PS3. But then I see crap like should you really be happy when SONY is in financial dire? When they are selling buildings etc....yeah that is sad for SONY and I hope they pick things up(which it seems they are currently doing) but why should that make me NOT be excited for what they are offering me via the PS3 and what they have planned for the PS4? That just doesn't make sense to me when I see people say stuff like that.

I also don't get why people feel the need to down play SONY exclusive games like they don't sell well. Since when is selling 2-3 million copies of a game bad? And 4-6/7 million for other and even 7-10 million for one bad? I just don't understand the hate that SONY gets.

But I am not biased I also see the same being done to MS saying they don't have any games other than HALO, GEARS, FABLE and FORZA and they don't care about their audience etc. Or NIN has nothing but mMario and is for kids....people need to just chill and learn to respect that people like what they like and DO NOT like what they DO NOT like....we are different and have different opinions and views and that needs to be accepted and all will be well....sorry for the long post....

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23