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When the discussion of the poor come up poiltically, the battlelines are bleeding heart liberalism that wants to redistribute wealth, so that undeserving ingrates who refuse to take responsibility for themselves, get freebies vs heartless conservatives who want nothing more than to see humanity die in the streets so that the rich can get fully what they deserve.  Of course, there is also the libertarian side that goes, "Well, who am I to say what people want to do with their money?  If individuals want to throw away their money on vermin such as the poor, it is their choice and so long as it is their choice and not taken by government thugs by force, that is cool".  And yes, overly generalization here, but done stereotypically in

Well, the Roman Catholic Church elected Pope Francis, who was noted for his work with the poor, and is named after St. Francis.  So, one can see the Catholic Church will end up getting into wealth redistribution and a focus on the poor.  That is likely to be a themed focus at this point.  Is this a good thing?  Or would it be a lot better if the Catholic Church didn't discuss the poor and minded its own business.  Or, if it did speak, it spoke on the Protestant work ethic and championed rich and successful people as role models, and spoke about how people get what they deserve in this life?