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HappySqurriel said:
MikeB said:
HappySqurriel said:
MikeB said:



If the Wii can produce a game like Bloom Blox ( ) which has dozens of objects which are fully controlled by a physics engine; considering there are more objects being impacted by the physics engine on Bloom Blox that Little Big Planet, I see nothing that would suggest that Little Big Planet is beyond the abilities of the XBox 360.

By the way PhysX =/= Physics ... The PhysX physics API may have been built with certain assumptions that make it particularly poorly suted to the Xeon processor; this (of course) does not mean that you can not produce a highly optimized physics engine for the XBox 360. Regardless, the fundimental question you seem to constantly dodge is not whether the PS3 can provide an improvement, but whether it can produce a dramatic and noticeable improvement. As I pointed out earlier, Bloom Blox, Elebits and Super Mario Galaxy are fairly good showcases of in game physics useage and yet are produced on the "underpowered" Wii; being that no one disputes that the XBox 360 should be several times as powerful as the Wii, don't you think that a major physic showcase could be produced on the XBox 360?


Who was saying that LBP couldn't be run on the 360? heck, you could probably run that game on the GC with no problem (other than maybe the 1.5 GB storage medium) And if you are intent on proving your point, you are correct that there are currently no PS3 games that noticably outperform 360 games in any area. However, if you compare current PS3 games (14 months after launch) to 360 games 14 months after launch, there is a noticable difference in at least graphical quality. (Uncharted vs. GeoW? give me a break) So yeah, you are right, there are currently no PS3 games that significantly outperform 360 games, though some PS3 games do marginally outperform 360 games in some areas. This fact should not be very suprising because of the 360's simpler and more conventional architecture and the fact it's been out for a year longer than the PS3. However, if you are attempting to demonstrate the technological superiority of the Xbox 360 over the PS3, that's not the way to do it because second-gen PS3 games are marginally outperforming third-gen 360 games. (which indicates that the PS3 is more powerful)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it