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Nsanity said:
theprof00 said:
J_Allard said:
Yeah I understand that's what he meant. The two situations are not the same. Nor are threads about sales accomplishments. You guys wanna find a comparable PS3 thread for future ban bickering, think of a PS+ thread or something. Like you post a thread about Red Dead Redemption finally being free on PS+. Someone replies saying "LOL its 2013 get with the times Steam does everything PS+ does for free" or "FREE LOL" or "anything more than $0 for this service is too much"... those are the type of stupid, irrelevant replies that got people banned in that thread.

Debating the merits of a GOTY award or the importance of some sales accomplishment are not the same thing. I think you guys will be sorely disappointed.

the problem is people don't get banned for those things despite being reported.

You keep going on about people should be banned for this or that, but your no Angel yourself..

'you're no Angel'

Yeah, I know I'm no angel, and I never said I was. I still get banned. They still do not. I can try to make it simpler to understand, but it's nearing maximum simplicity, Nsan.