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J_Allard said:
pezus said:
thismeintiel said:
I guess if I get something positive out of this it's this: If we have a Sony thread talking about a certain sales milestone and MS fans come and start talking about Sony's financial situation, I can report them and fully expect them to get warned or banned.

Yep. And this is guaranteed to happen every.single.time. Or about GOTY awards and then someone mentions that sales are lower than some game they prefer.

Depends on the venom spewed in the posts.

I mean, you surely can't think arguing about GOTY (which is a collection of opinions) is the same as entering a thread that is nothing more than a heads up for a deal just to crap on something they have no interest in.

I think he is refering to threads that say a game won GOTY, not who should win.  So basically if someone makes a thread about X winning GOTY, people can't come in and talk about its sales or that they like Y better.  Same goes with threads about the PS3 reaching 77M or passing the 360.

@ pezus

I hope it is consistent.  Otherwise, the mods are going to feel the wrath of the Playstation Nation.  Which equates to a lot of complaints and stern looks.