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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:

I just want to make sure you understand that my position isn't that the recent moderations are a huge problem, but rather that it's I find it a bit one-sided. For instance, with jaywood...why did he get away with calling three people childish? I want Jaywood to know that I have no problem with him, but it did irk me that he came in here, was really reasonable, even going so far as to say that he understands and agrees, and then turns around, posts a link to my thread in his own, and calls me childish, when he was already warned for insults that day.

It's a lot more complex than you're making it out to be. I don't want them to abandon the "common sense law", but I would appreciate a lot of clarification.

That's a fair point. JayWood definitely needs a slap on the back of his head when he comes back, unless he learns from his recent moderations. But he did get banned on the same day, so he didn't really get away. You shouldn't always expect immediate mod action, because there are times when none of them is online (seems to occur more often during weekends than during the week).

I'll in turn take everything you've said into consideration. And thanks for your input Rol, it was illuminating. I will not, as I had resolved before, turn around and start reporting everything I take issue with. However, I will still keep that record I was talking about and only increase reporting where I see it becoming an issue.