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Unpopular opinion, but I fully believe it was 6th gen/Cube.

Wii was not really innovative IMO, it was a gimmick, it never really benefited gameplay that much.

Gamecube innovated in software, where it actually matters.

Say what you want about Super Mario Sunshine, but it is unique, and tried something new.

Wind Waker innovated in terms of style, and scope. Really under appreciated for what it brought to the tabl.

Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are the best 3D metroidvania games out there, they mastered the formula by trying something new, FP Adventure.

Pikmin 1 and 2 are the only games of their kind, really an incredibly unique concept, gameplay, visuals, everything.

Melee is the definitive smash bros game, it defined the series. Sure the concept wasn't new, but this time it was actually fully realized.

Another overlooked innovation of the gamecube was it's face button layout. This thing feels tailored to every one of Nintendo's games. Seriously, I don't know why they abandoned this, it feels just so perfect.