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RolStoppable said:

ok so bashing was the wrong term, but you knew what i meant.

we've all gone after each manufacture for what they've done wrong, or failed to get right. and whats so disrepectful about it? i may not be an Xbox fan, but i support MS in other areas, so as a consumer, i have every right to say how i feel about whatever product they make when they screwup, or piss me off.

XBL/PSN should be $20 at the most.

Here's an excerpt from the forum rules:

what a pleasant surprise. so another yr. before i get a quote from Rol.

i'm going to sum up my opinion on the situation in JW's thread like this. they were warned before posting, and got bannd.

the 2 i pointed out were needless. but even though needless icy-zone was sent a warning, posted again, and got bannd. 

this seems to happen to JW threads allot these days.