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JayWood2010 said:
JayWood2010 said:

i don't know man. this guy has an Xbox and got bannd


if you can't bash the company you support, then whats the point in posting period? 

He was warned in the previous thread and you shouldnt bash any of the consoles as it is disrespectful.  

ok so bashing was the wrong term, but you knew what i meant.

we've all gone after each manufacture for what they've done wrong, or failed to get right. and whats so disrepectful about it? i may not be an Xbox fan, but i support MS in other areas, so as a consumer, i have every right to say how i feel about whatever product they make when they screwup, or piss me off.

XBL/PSN should be $20 at the most.

If you dont agree with one of them that is ok but people dont need to ruin every thread just because they dont agree.  That thread was nothing more than a deal and did not need people coming in to attack it. They were off-topic and derailing the thread simply to cause arguments. He was warned and then went to another thread to further mock the original thread.

yea the mock thread thing was funny. long story short. your thread was not the place for those comments, and everyone was warned by you before posting in the thread, that TROLLING WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED. the only mistake mad in your thread, was user's posting to simply test the waters, and they got bannd.

Yeah, i dont understand the logic behind peoples comments in that thread or why some was calling my thread spam when there is plenty of discount threads on vgchartz including PS3 deals.

Anyways some people are still mad and trolling my original thread shown here.  People need to just give it a rest and move on.