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Jay520 said:

its not the same. Physical ability is such a huge restriction that most people cannot use choreography to express themselves. But with visual mediums, no such restrictions exist, at least not as strong. If a person uses paint, graphic design, etc to express something, its much more likely that they weren't restricted by any inherent lacking in skill and let their imagination control the canvas, unlike choreography. If they do produce something, its much more likely to be their goal. If they achieved their goal and especially if a number of people enjoyed the end product, then who are you to say it was low quality? You're just shoving your opinion down other people's throat.

I'm not arguing your fundamental point because it looks like a misuse of the word hypocrisy. I'm arguing something you said later on, when you implied art was objective.

No, I fully disagree. Just take a moment to look at Youtube videos on how to draw and you'll see some of the precision it requires to draw certain things requires quite a lot of skill.

@underlined. I've argued a million times why I am skeptical about that, and it is because I doubt Nintendo have the ability to return to their roots when it comes to making worlds that actually enthrall users. Of course it is appealing to new customers and young kids, much like playskool is, but does that mean playskool is art?

Come on. Sales is simply not a satisfying argument in this conversation.