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pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
I can see why the Mods were cracking down on those posts, but what if I just strolled in there (while the OP didn't say anything about how differing opinions would be moderated), read the OP, and said, "I still think it's too expensive. Personally, I wouldn't pay for Online." Would this get me moderated? If so, I find that to be slightly ridiculous.
That is an out and out opinion. I don't even know how this could be taken as offensive/trolling.

Off Topic: It's slightly awkward/weird how obsessed Akvod seems over those graphs.

Probably not, since you're not a PS fan and are therefore not looked at as a competitor

i don't know man. this guy has an Xbox and got bannd


if you can't bash the company you support, then whats the point in posting period? 

He was warned in the previous thread and you shouldnt bash any of the consoles as it is disrespectful.