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Akvod said:
You can't define trolling as whatever you want. It's very disturbing to see that an OP can define trolling as a negative opinion and that the moderating team would ban people for that.

But what's even more sadder is the thread. It should have been locked, and people should either have ignored it or called it out as a shit thread (a few people sort of did).

I mean, let's just taker a looser definition of trolling as "off topic". What exactly was the topic in the thread? What exactly was to be DISCUSSED in the thread?

Say for example that Microsoft permanently lowered LIVE's price. That's a news worthy story that has a lot of implication on Microsoft's business strategy and future actions. There's something to be talked about.

What exactly were people supposed to discuss here?

It's like you don't read. He stated what he wanted from the thread while helping people out.


If you tried to help someone out and they turned around and punched you in the nuts how would you feel?