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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:

I don't believe there is any argument I could make to sway the mods. Even Axum says he supports what I'm doing, signalling the very likely intransigence I'd find on that route.

But it's like I said earlier, the report button doesn't work for me, but it seems to work for others just fine. Like I said, I really only report blatant ones but nothing ever happens. I think that is my biggest beef at the moment, and why I want to do this.

Fine, just don't overdo it. As they say, what goes around comes around. (Meaning that you shouldn't be surprised if people start to watch your posts more closely now that you've decided to make bigger efforts to clean up.)

JayWood2010 said:

Personal opinion but I think you should become a moderator.  You seem to be very but you can also joke and have fun too

Thanks, but it's probably better if I remain a regular user. Also, I am very what?

It already came around, that's my point. It just keep coming around and never going. :D