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Mnementh said:
theprof00 said:

You say I'm escalating? What do you think brought me here in the first place? I don't report. Maybe once a month. Or a very clear violation. Now we're seeing bans left and right for minor infractions. I want something done, and this is the only thing that makes sense to me. You have a better solution? Be my guest and offer it.

Minor infractions? Do we talk about the JayWood-thread? I saw people destroying a thread that wanted to notice interested VGC-users about a great deal for XBL. I think the ban-hammer would have been swung the same in a thread about a discount on PSV-memory-cards for users complaining that even now it is more expensive than SD-cards or a thread about an offer of WiiU-bundled with 3 games for great price that users answers that WiiU has inferior graphics. Such posts are offtopic AND offending to the audience of the threads. But the same posts could be fine in a thread asking for opinions about XBL/PSV/WiiU or starting with a personal opinion about these things.

well, see, I see a lot worse, so in my mind, comparitively, these seem minor, but if these are just regular infractions, then that would mean the others are much worse than I thought, but nothing happens to them still, so however you want to quantify it, there are a lot of people getting away with so much. I'm for the mods sticking to their rules, so long as they stay fair. This thread is about making sure the mods understand that we want to see a level field from now on.