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Mazty said:
curl-6 said:
Mazty said:
curl-6 said:

Yet again you're using the temporary circumstances of now as a basis for long term claims, which doesn't work in this instance either. Of course it's not selling NOW; it's only big exclusive is a game pitched at audiences outside its price range. But the price will change, as will the games as big hitters like Mario Kart, HD Zelda, Smash Bros, etc arrive. Nintendo's first party franchises are something Wii U offers that PS4 and Nextbox cannot.

An abysmal start does not mean an abysmal lifetime: PS3 and 3DS proved that.

Correct, but I, and frankly many others, can't see why the situation will change. Will Mario Kart really help to push the system when people already have Mario Kart on the Wii? Same with Zelda, which lets be honest, wasn't exactly a huge seller on the Wii. 
The question is will people be hyped enough to get a console that offers just a few exclusives, or would they prefer to hold out for the PS4/nextbox? I believe the latter will happen. 

The difference with the PS3 is that it offered bluray and also clearly showed 7th gen games. The Wii U offers very little in terms of media function that is unique, and has yet to show any game that is 8th gen, which was only made worse by the Sony announcement and demo of PS4 games. 

People bought Mario Kart Wii despite it already being available on the Gamecube and N64. People bought Gran Turismo 5 on PS3 despite already having GT3-4 on PS2. And "HD Zelda" has been something many gamers have wanted for a long time. Millions of people want to play Nintendo games, and the only place you can play new console Nintendo games will be Wii U. The games just aren't there yet, but they are coming.

I'm not saying Wii U will outsell PS4 or Nextbox, I don't believe it will, but it will definitely top 20 million lifetime.

And gens aren't measured by graphics, but by product iterations.

Ah but the issue is not many people owned either of those consoles. The Wii was a very popular system meaning people were introduced to titles via it rather then upgrading from it. The question comes down to one thing:
Will Mario Kart Wii U offer enough to tempt people to get an entire new console?

With GT a lot of people owned both the PS2 and 3 for numerous titles, not just one or two. Which gamers exactly have been wanting a HD Zelda? Considering how Zelda on the Wii sold, it looks like a lot of people have left the franchise behind and I can't imagine people will buy a console just for a game that's now in HD. 
"Millions of people want to play Nintendo games"
Well a) links and b) if they already have a Wii, job done. The issue currently is the lack of games and functions the Wii U does. It needs to get away from relying on multiplatforms as those titles (CoD etc) aren't going to tempt existing PS3/360 owners. The Wii U really, really needs genuine 8th gen games and we haven't seen a single one even demo'd, yet we've seen such titles for the PS4, which is very concerning. As I said I'm willing to bet that the Wii U will probably end it's life time around the 20 -25 mill mark. If sales don't pick up over the next few months it could very well go the way of the DC as I imagine when the PS4/nextbox are released things will not get better.

No gens aren't measured by product iteration otherwise consoles without a predecessor wouldnt be part of any generation. 

Maro Kart Wii has over 30 million sales. Even if only a quarter ever upgrade, and that's 8 million. People are upgrading from Mario Kart DS to Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS.

Zelda on the Wii sold well. I don't need links to prove that millions want to play Nintendo games, just look at the sales numbers. And the Wii won't be able to play the new Zelda, the new 3D Mario, the new Metroid, the new Smash Bros. They'll have to buy a Wii U for that, and millions will. Plus games like that make a Dreamcast situation pretty much not a possibility. Dreamcast didn't have an IPs that powerful.

Products with no predecessor fall into the generation of their contemporaries. If graphics defined gens, then you couldn't classify the PSP and DS as the same generation, yet they are. The graphics definition died years ago, it no longer fits with how the indusry works.