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MikeB said:
mrstickball said:
MikeB - ever notice that the UK is a much, much larger market than the markets your talking about, and *maybe* the fact the UK version sold about 1.5:1 would be enough to merely send the X360 version 4,000 units over the PS3?

Europe is made up of many small markets, the UK market is a small market as well, which by itself is a small minority of the whole.

Are you kidding?  The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere.  Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.  In the very market in Europe that DMC4 has it's biggest appeal by far.  I'm willing to bet more copies of the game were sold in the UK than the rest of Europe combined.